What exactly is a DDoS attack?
DDoS stands for Distributed Denial of Service. A DDoS attack is an attempt by a malicious user deny people the ability to use a web site or service by means of a distributed and coordinated attack. The end goal of the attack is to overwhelm a system or service so that normal users are not able to use it anymore.
To put this in other terms, imagine yourself going out for lunch at your favorite restaurant. Just as you are about to enter and place your order, another person cuts in front of you. As this person leaves, another rushes in and cuts in front of you, forcing you to keep waiting. This process can continue for minutes, hours or even days, preventing you (and every other customer) from doing what you came to do.
How does SpexHost prevent this?
We have partnered with OVH to provide you with the best DDoS protection. When a DDoS attack is detected, automated DDoS mitigation is activated. This mitigation involves filtering bad traffic and allowing good traffic to pass along. Our mitigation consists of multiple devices, each with a specific function to block one or more types of attacks.
By default all of our Shared and Reseller Web Hosting and our VPS Hosting come with DDoS protection. We have a total mitigation capacity of 480Gbps. All DDoS attacks are blocked without any duration or any other type of limit. Our standard protection is automated, and can take between 15 seconds and 120 seconds to activate. We also allow for the DDoS protection to always be activated on your IP(s) so there is no delay. This requires a dedicated IP address, which must be purchased for Shared and Reseller Hosting. VPS Hosting customers can request this be turned on in a support ticket, or by turning it on under “IP Management” in our billing and support system.
If you have any questions, or you are in need of DDoS protection please do not hesitate to contact our sales department with your requirements.